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Great Taekwondo!

Real Time Reissue

  • STEP 01
  • STEP 02
  • STEP 03

You can apply for and receive proofs online at home without visiting Poom/Dan certificate and various certificates.

Membership and online payment are required to use this service.

You can print out the confirmation document after payment.

Confirmation letter Guide

확인서 종류별 품단등록확인서, 무력확인서, 자격확인서의 확인서 이미지,기재내용, 발급형태, 수수료 를 확인 할수 있는 표
Type Certificate of Taekwondo
Poom/Dan registration
Certificate of Taekwondo
Confirmation letter
of Certificate
Confirmation letter 품단확인서 A4 크기 무력확인서 A4 크기 자격증확인서 A4 크기
Issuance Content Confirmation of acquired final Poom/Dan details
(Dan Number, Issue date)
Check the entire Poom/Dan content acquired
(Dan Number, Issue date, Area)
master license, Judge,
Hanmadang Referee identify
(Certificate Number, Issue date)
Issuance Type A4 Paper size
Issuance Fee $2 $4 $4